As I researched Indonesia for my Bali visit, I realized there was a lot I didn't know. Indonesia is vast! The country is made up of 18110 islands of which about 6000 are inhabited. The distance between Aceh and Papua on either end of Indonesia are about 4000 kms apart (about the same distance as between San Francisco and New York City).
Indonesia has about 400 volcanoes of which about 130 are active. And with well over 210 million people, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world after China, India, and the United States. Indonesia is also has the largest Muslim population in the world (which I did know).
A wealth of information for aspiring travellers is available here.
Happy new Year
Thanks for your comment on my blog
It's rare to find a bong reader :)
Your blog looks lovely, like a travelogue, shall go through all your posts once I get time
Great blog, I've been checking in for a few weeks, not sure how I found it... Very intresting stuff. You certainly get around! I'll be looking at it regularly now.
Have a great New Year.
Looking at your blog, I realized that travelling is not 'always' about being there yourself .... it can also come through other people's eyes.
Excellent blog. Please keep adding for our travellers' glory.
A small piece of information. You might also want to explore the numerous islands in the Indian Ocean between India, Australia and Africa. Interestingly the biggest portion of the regional population of most of the islands all over the world are Muslims.
Thanks for the link.
Looks like you get around the world quite a bit. Great for experiencing all the different food.
Sandeepa, Sank, Rana, Kent: Thanks for visiting! Travelling and Food are my two passions; and one feeds the other! And now that I have begun to blog, I no longer mind those long waits at airports between flights!
Do you want an invitation to the food blog?
Send me an email: kibabin(at) with the email address i can send you an invitation to.
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